Translating video games consists in a thorough process that involves adapting a product to the needs of a specific market without modifying the original message. Translators work side by side with developers and other experts to help them launch their products and succeed internationally.

A challenging field in constant development

In the gaming industry, the main challenge is to get gamers together across the world by creating linguistic bridges where each user can comfortably enjoy the game and overcome language barriers. In order to achieve this goal, game localization technologies must be applied by an experienced translator, taking into account that this industry is continually growing and thus creating new types of video games (action games, sports games, role-playing games, puzzle games, virtual reality games, and even simulation games).

What can translators do?

Translators have been fully trained to offer video games translation and localization, subtitling, recording, and dubbing, as also quality control at every step of the translation process to ensure the most engaging experience for users who want to play the same game in different languages.

What the field requires

Usually, game translators are not just experts in their field but also gamers who know and use typical gamer expressions and jargon, so they find it easy to adapt the content and purpose of each stage in the game to provide a fluent translation that catches their attention. See our post on “culturization” and the disadvantages of postediting (in Spanish)

How poor translations affect the business

As regards mobile games, poor translations may bring about a negative impact on foreign smartphone users, which might reduce the number of downloads and therefore the profits for the developer and the business itself. Fortunately, professional translators can take care of the whole process to make sure the result is as precise and appealing as possible.

Against literal translations

A literal translation is never a good option, not only because the meaning would be changed but also because it could even confuse players and consequently make them lose interest in the game, which is exactly what affects the reputation of a business in the gaming industry.

The purpose of professional translation

The main purpose of having a translation done professionally is to help gamers enjoy the game despite the language which was originally used. The theme, instructions, and context must be clearly shown and understood by the user to create a version of the game that stands out. In short, translators can guarantee the same experience for everyone.

See our video on Youtube: At CLS, gaming is a serious play.