Translation of technical documents is a specialized area of translation. It requires not only knowledge and experience, but also a deep understanding of the subject matter.

Translation in the oil & gas industry involves translating technical documents covering all aspects of the industry, from geological surveys to drilling platforms, from power plants to refineries.

At CLS & Partners our team translates documents on:

Geological surveys

Drilling platforms

Power plants

Refineries and chemical plants

The oil and gas industry is one of the world’s largest markets for translation services. The industry requires professional translators who can translate documents into several different languages and also edit documents that have been translated by other people.

Companies in the oil and gas industry use a large number of different technologies, products and services. These companies must communicate with each other in order to operate efficiently. Therefore, they often need translations of documents from one language into another.

Some examples include:

Equipment manuals. These are often written in English but need to be translated into other languages so that workers can understand them.

Safety instructions for employees who speak other languages than English or Spanish.

Legal contracts between oil companies and governments or private investors. These are often written in English but must be translated into Spanish or Arabic before they can be signed by parties involved in negotiations over oil drilling rights or other aspects of business operations in foreign countries where English is not widely spoken as a second language.

Global Business

The oil & gas industry is a global business, and translation is an essential part of doing business in this sector. We can help businesses bridge the cultural gap between themselves and their customers, partners and suppliers.

Of course, there are many different languages spoken in this industry: English is the most common, but there are also Russian, Chinese, Arabic and Spanish speakers among others.

At CLS & Partners we have experience in dealing with big multilingual projects. Do not hesitate to contact us and request your cost estimation.