Translation in the world of finance

The financial sector experiences fluctuations of all kinds on a daily basis due to the high competitiveness in the internal and external market and technological advances, without forgetting the changes in user behavior. An increasing number of companies are turning to translation agencies to achieve strategic positioning at an international level. Next, we will see why having a professional translation service is essential in the business world.


Documents traduction

One of the basic pillars for expanding business horizons in the financial market is the correct translation of documentation and technical texts. Due to the specificity of the material, it is necessary to have an expert translator who specializes in areas such as micro and macroeconomics, marketing and finance, among others, so that not only a terminologically appropriate translation is ensured, but also to analyze the content in detail. and choose the strategy that best positions the client.

The translation of financial documents presupposes the following requirements and challenges:

  • Deep knowledge of the relevant area (finance, accounting, etc.), both in the mother tongue and in the target language.
  • Mention and knowledge of a large number of initials and acronyms.
  • Terms or expressions that require adaptation according to the target culture.
  • Quick decision making and analytical capacity.


The work of the translator

Within the world of finance and business, it is possible to expand the scope of a product or service by presenting various types of documentation in various languages, always taking into account the expectations of each client. Below, we list the most relevant:

  • Translation of the company’s website, including promotional material for current and potential clients (for example, information brochures).
  • Translation of balance sheets and audit reports.
  • Translation of contracts (commercial agreements, mergers and acquisitions, bankruptcies, etc.).
  • Translations of financial analysis and market studies.
  • Corporate bylaws and communications between shareholders and investors.

“Seriousness”: a key factor in technical translation

In order to improve the positioning of a company in a market as globalized and competitive as the current one, it is necessary to maintain a good image in front of the public and potential investors. Hiring a professional translator who also has experience to know how to proceed in this type of market is an added value that will be reflected in the final result: a quality translation that also conveys the seriousness and commitment with which the client works. day to day. In this way, the translator becomes a valuable asset to facilitate the achievement of business objectives.

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